More abortion-minded clients. Increased donations. Industry-leading security.

Pro-Life Digital Marketing for

Pregnancy Clinics

Pregnancy Centers, PRCs, CPCs, and non-profits!

You want MORE ABORTION-MINDED CLIENTS fueled by MORE LIFE-MINDED DONORS. We want to partner with life-affirming clinics doing kingdom work. is a movement. It is your superpower. Your own marketing team with front-line knowledge of the complex tapestry of successfully marketing to both clients (for free pregnancy services and abortion info) and to the lifeblood of your ministry (donors and supporters who keep the engine driving forward)! Your first step? Learn how to ALIGNN with your target audience. Book your appointment now:

A Force for LIFE

As a former employee of an effective pregnancy center and the founder of Facebook's largest independent group for pregnancy center marketing, CEO Michael Lovdal is a force for LIFE and a critical partner in your battle to save hearts and souls.

Helping Pregnancy Centers Save More Lives

Heroes Are Made, Babies Are Born

Your Superpower

Imagine this: a life-affirming agency with internationally acclaimed marketing success that shares your values and deep desire to help those who need it most. A team of marketers, web designers, social media pros, graphic designers, and supporting folks who leap out of bed in the morning to save precious lives! ALIGNN is your:

Strategic Marketing Partner

We've learned from the best and the brightest to bring you strategies that work.

Branding & Presence Rocket Fuel

100% of centers that rebrand with ALIGNN experience exceptional growth metrics.

Access to Agile, Multi-channel Campaigns

Our agency has made significant investments in the latest technology to provide a wide scope of services that put us far ahead of your local "competition," including: ALIGNN AI™, intelligence, website design and hosting, social and Google Ads, and a wealth of other tools for you to leverage.

A Marketing Agency That "Gets" Pro-Life

We Speak Your Language

  • Knowing the subtleties of donor vs. client messaging is critical. Centers get this wrong at their peril!
  • Words matter. ALIGNN with effective messaging and a versatile brand.
  • Tech & Strategy wins. Our proprietary techniques, APIs, and special business connections help our clients out-market organizations with MILLIONS of dollars in ad spending for a fraction of that budget.

Reaching Clients Costs MONEY

That’s why we combine client and donor marketing so effectively! Because donors give their hard-earned dollars to save babies.

A Prophetic Message

Your supporters are champions for the cause of life! They are entrusted with a sacred mission. Like Jesus hooked fishermen, together, we can inspire generations of sleeping warriors to action.

Dress for the Donations You Want

Does your center minister from poverty or from plenty? Like the expression, "dress for the job you want," it is also true that when your high net-worth donors look upon your brand and web presence, they are mentally calculating if you can handle what they are capable of investing in you. Open the floodgates!

Clients & Patients Need YOU

They are searching for a solution to their “problem.” Will they find you before they find something else?

Inbound & Outbound Marketing that Speaks to THEM

We place your message—The right message, in the right place, at the right time™—to meet your clients right where they are found.

Honesty, Integrity, Caring

A genuine offer made by genuine people that inspires a client to seek free pregnancy testing, ultrasound, abortion info, STI/STD testing, and other essential services can easily be sabotaged by dated language and imagery. That's why it's so essential to partner with a professional marketing agency. We know you care! Now let's work together to make sure they get to see it in person.

What our numbers say

People reached
Avg. Client Increase
0 %+
Best Fundraiser Increase
0 %
Avg. Web Speed Increase
0 %


Quick Case Studies

These are real-life examples of ways that pro-life clinics like YOU have experienced rapid growth after starting services with

Record Donations Thru Pandemic

Despite having to cancel their largest annual fundraiser, the center raised unprecedented funds through a first-ever online campaign that shattered records.

Pivot Towards Abortion-Vulnerable Patients

Coasting as a baby supplies closet, this center took a hard turn to laser focus on saving lives with HUGE payoffs. This center is now carrying more clients than ever before in more than 3 decades of service!

Social Media Engagement +440%

After years of stagnation, we jump-started this client page with minimal ad spending and a total strategy makeover.

Gifts Drive Clients, Driving Giving

This organization followed the ALIGNN fundraising strategy and increased giving by 30%, which allowed marketing a client increase of 20%, which snowballed to record giving at the next banquet! (Donors want to give to ministries that get results!)


We are super chill and easy to talk to. Text to. Slack with. Send silly GIFs! Brothers and sisters in the cause of LIFE need to connect.

We love strong coffee and great conversation.

Let's Connect!

Book a face-to-face Zoom call with us! It's a low-key way to swap testimonies, share our screens ("check out my website!"), and talk to a human being about ways to amp up your ministry.